Let us turn your beds into “Island Fortresses.” We will encapsulate your mattresses and box springs with bed bug proof, cloth encapsulations, sterilize your bed frames with steam under pressure so you start out with a zero baseline, spray all of these bed parts and the carpets with eco-friendly Cimi-Shield to create a “Virtual Minefields” around your sleeping areas. We will then isolate your beds from the floors with isolators and from the walls and other furniture with an air-gap of at least three to six inches so that bed bugs cannot walk off of any surfaces on to the beds. After this is accomplished, minimize the probability of introducing new bed bugs into your sleeping environment. Avoid setting backpacks, dirty clothes purses and other items that have been in the public on the bed. Instead, set them on tables, shelves, or other raised areas. If you or someone else is coming in from a trip, avoid bringing in bed bugs in the following manner:
Unpack your bags outside. Put any clean clothes into the clothes drier for 30 minutes on medium heat with a very loose tumble. Put all of your dirty clothes, including the ones you are wearing through the washer at appropriate temperature for the item; then dry them at a medium temperature as you normally do. Everything that cannot go into the washer or drier such as shoes, luggage, electronics, books, etc. can be put into a heat tent and “baked” at 140 degrees for an hour or two to kill the bed bugs. These heat tents can be found on the internet for about $200.